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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hmm... Gravity

It was a nice day in MosaicLand,
I was just about to fall asleep underneath an apple tree...
THUD!! an apple fell on my head...
It was then I wondered, why does the apple fall,
The same question, asked by Newton centuries ago...

Gravity is the force that attracts each of us to the center of the earth...
Or is it?
In modern physics, gravity is defined as the force of attraction between two or more masses...
In layman's term, this means that everything that has mass, exerts a gravitational force on each other.
This includes you and me. Yes! actually, all of us are exerting a force on each other. However, the force that we exerts on each other is so insignificant, they are usually ignored by physicists.

Taking into the consideration that an object as massive as our planet Earth could only exert an force of 9.8N/kg (approximation) on any object on Earth, it is not surprising why attractive force between everyday objects could be neglected.

Image from
The moon, however, tells us a different story.
With a gravitational field of only 1/6 of that on Earth, it can easily affect the climatic change and tides on Earth.
The orbit of the moon will cause high and low tides in the ocean. This happens because water particles on Earth is attracted by the gravitational pull of the moon, and thus, rise to form high tides. Low tides forms when there is no gravitational effect from the moon.

Wow! Gravity, what a wonderful thing...
As I was wondering, what happens if we bring gravity into the cyberworld?
Google with gravity


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